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Simple unstyled UI component library, each component is installed separately with zero-dependency.

Choost provides a Open Source UI components library of NPM modules with the basic JavaScript utility of each component, so that you don't have to think about anything, allowing you to create your own design system.

accordion ui component


Example preview

With this JavaScript module you will obtain the basic utility of an accordion component. This script provides the .active class when you click on button element, use this in your CSS styles for show/hide elements.

How to use
accordion ui component

Menu dropdown

Example preview

With this JavaScript module you will obtain the basic utility of a dropdown component. This script provides the .active class when you click on dropdown element, use this in your CSS styles for show/hide elements.

How to use
accordion ui component

Select (custom)

Example preview

With this module you will obtain the basic utility of a custom select component. This script creates a <div> in the DOM with the select options inside it so that you can style it however you want.

How to use
Example preview

With this JavaScript module you will obtain the basic utility of a tabs component. This script provides the .active class when you click on button element, use this in your CSS styles for show/hide elements.

How to use
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